Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Movie Poster (#3)

Ted: *pretends to be Astro* "I'm flying, with a terrible hairdo!" *then pretends to be the girl on the poster* "Oh, wait for me, bad hairdo boy! I want your autograph!" *then pretends to be villain in the background* "Hey, come back; you owe me a dollar, kid!"

Movie Poster (#2)

Ted: When it comes to winning a chick, he shoots he scores!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Random Image (#14)

Ted: It's a bone, it's a ball, it's Super Dog!

Google Logo (#0)

Ted: I pledge allegiance, to the Google Logo, of the current Veteran's Day! And to the holiday for which it stands; in memory of soldiers who survived the war!

Random Pic (#13)

Ted: Looks like Miley Cyrus is in Oz, and not Hollywood, right now! Wait, isn't that Todo? Oh no; she's holding him hostage!

Random Pic (#12)

(Screenshot of: Miley Cyrus Twitter Rap)

Ted: *pretends to be Miley Cyrus* Yo dawg; I left Twitter. YEE-AH! Yup, I'm the Anti-Twitter Drama Queen!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Random Pic (#11)

(This pic is found on the Wikipedia; look up "Robin (comics)")

Ted: *pretends to be Robin* Oh no, Bat Man! I look like a male version of Lady Gaga!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Random Pic (#10)

Image: Duckroll

Ted: A duck had lost it's legs, and became a cyborg, after he got his new wheel legs. This Christmas Day, come see the most epic action packed film of the year; "DuckRoll: the Movie"! Rated PG, for disturbing (though not inappropriate) content, and possibly some brief humor that younger viewers may not understand.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Random Pic (#9)

Image name: Dramatic Prairie Dog

Ted: *pretends to be the prairie dog* What are you looking at?!?

Random Pic (#8)

Image: Disaster Girl
(Please note that what was written down by Ted was just for humor, and it wasn't really true)

Ted: So I guess she was the mastermind behind the house's destruction. Wait, what? Oh no; RUN!

Random Boxart (#24)

Ted: Well, would you look at that; that swordsman looks like Arthas with his hair dyed red!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Random Boxart (#23)

Ted: *pretends to be the lady* "Oh, Perot! Will I get to London, on time?!?" *then pretends to be Perot* "Qui, madame; just make sure that you fix your seat belt!"

Random Boxart (#22)

Ted: It looks like James Bond is on vacation, and he scored quite a large amount of popularity!

Random Boxart (#21)

Ted: And that's how Britney Spears and her ex-boyfriend lost their musical talent from singing; aliens had stolen it, using science and technology!

Random Boxart (#20)

Ted: It looks like Curt Cobain is playing a 1-on-1 basketball game against Magic Johnson, I guess.

Random Boxart (#19)

Ted: *pertends to be Vadinho from the movie "The Pumaman"* "Guy on the boxart; you are the Puma Man!"

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Random Boxart (#18)

Ted: Is that supposed to be one of those guys from the movie "Star Force: Fugitive Alien II"? If so, he must have tried to kill the entire alien spaceship with a forklift.

Random Boxart (#17)

Ted: Is that Marvin the Martian's house?

Random Boxart (#16)

Ted: Is this what F-Zero was inspired by? Or perhaps, it's the early years of the F-Zero Grand Prix?

Random Boxart (#15)

Ted: Isn't that Bill Nye?

Random Boxart (#14)

Platform: Atari 2600
Ted: Hey, It's Arthur; King of the Britians!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Random Boxart (#13)

Ted: Finally, "Phantasy Star IV: the Movie" is coming soon! Starring Justin Bieber as Chaz, Rebecca Black as Rika, Miguel Angel Fuentes as Rune, and Walter George Alton as Wren.

Random Boxart (#12)

Ted: "Phantasy Star II: the Movie", is coming to theaters, this Christmas! Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as Rolf, Elisabeth Shoe as Nei, and Don Knotts as Rudo.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Random Boxart (#11)

Ted: Hey, it's James Bond! He shoots, he scores, with the hot chick of a girlfriend, he has!

Random Boxart (#10)

Ted: Looks like He-Man took Ax Battler's place, on the journey to defeat Death Adder, huh? Blame the flu season. Same way She-Ra took Tyris Flare's place.

Random Boxart (#9)

Ted: This summer, come see the sequel to the hit movie based on a video game....Here it comes; "Streets of Rage II: the Movie"! Starring Barry Manilow as Axel, Britney Spears as Blaze, Lil' Bow Wow as Skate, Arnold Schwarzenegger as Alex, and Michael Jackson as Shiva!

Random Boxart (#8)

Ted: This fall, come see "Streets of Rage: the Movie!" Now playing, in theaters!

Random Boxart (#7)

Ted: *pretends to be the guy with T-shirt, on the boxart* Help guys; this horrible game cartridge just kidnapped my girlfriend! Oh, I'm too wimpy to do it alone!

Random Boxart (#6)

Ted: Hey all of you mac daddy gangstas; the new Cabbage Patch Kid Homie dolls are in stores, now!

Random Boxart (#5)

Ted: Sounds more like "Awesome Possum Gets Killed by Dr. Machino", if you ask me, due to how horrible this game is! (Trust me; I've played it, before.)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Youtube Clip: Superman musical

Youtube Video Clip: Superman musical
(Credit to hrguerra, the one who posted it!)

Ted: Is that supposed to be Superman? Looks more like Elvis acting as Superman, in a cheesy musical. After all, Elvis acted in a LOT of cheesy films!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Random Boxart (#4)

Ted: It looks like Lady Gaga is fighting off Loki, I guess.

Random Boxart (#3)

Ted: Mega Man does NOT looks like Tom Hanks!

Random Boxart (#2)

Ted: Is that supposde to be Super Joe? No way; Super Joe wears green clothing, the hairdo is wrong, and they forgot the shades! It looks more like Rambo with his hair dyed blond, if you ask me.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Random Boxart (#1)

Ted: If you ask me, he looks more like a robot, rather than Bomber Man.

Random Boxart (#0)

Ted: Is it me, or did they make Megaman look like Arnold Schwarzenegger back then, with that questionable box art? Maybe Sylvester Stallone?

Random Pic (#7)

Ted: Is it me, or is this puppy trying to look as vicious as possible? Either way, it's cute and funny! Though that lookalike pic was right; that puppy DOES look kinda like a dog version of Jack Black!

Random Pic (#6)

Ted: Yeah, RLY! No way? Yeah, way! I think that's obvious, Mr./Ms./Mrs. Owl.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Random Pic (#5)

Image of: Fred Figglehorn

*pretends to be Fred* My dad is right; I am a monkey!

Random Pic (#4)

Ted: Is that Spongebob's pineapple shrunken by Mermaid Man's belt, that they're eating?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Random Pic (#3)

Ted: Has Roy Rogers reincarnated into a dog, or did that dog get taught to ride a FAKE HORSE?!?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Random Pic (#2)

Character: Misty from the "Pokemon" series
Ted: Is it me, or did they make Misty look like a Lady Gaga wannabe? Maybe I should blame her agent?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Game Screenshot (#5)

Game: Conspiracies
Platform: PC
Rating: T
Ted: Thank goodness Nick found stuff to make coffee with! Otherwise, he would've jumped off that hole in the wall.....which certainly does not look like a good idea to leave alone! He should've covered that hole, but since he can't afford it, I won't blame him.

Game Screenshot (#4)

Game: Conspiracies
Platform: PC
Rating: T
Ted: Dang; I think I can tell why that is Nick's favorite coffee machine!

Game Screenshot (#3)

Game: Conspiracies
Platform: PC
Rating: T
Ted: Oh, man. This is TRULY the coolest clock I have ever seen! Nick Delios really does have good taste in decoration!

Game Screenshot (#2)

Game: Conspiracies
Platform: PC
Rating: T
Ted: It looks like another 4 in a row game of Tic-Tac Toe is a tie; blame Chip and Skip, for not noticing what they're doing!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Game Screenshot (#1)

Game: Conspiracies
Rating: T
Platform: PC
Ted: Is is me, or does this "thinking" plant remind me of Tom Servo?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Movie Poster (#1)

Ted: *pretends to be King Kong* "Hey, airplane guy! You owe me a new flatscreen TV, because you broke mine!"

Movie Screenshot (#1)

(Screenshot from: Battlefield Earth)
Ted: So, Qui Gon Jinn had turned to the dark side, eh? I'll have to tell Obi-Wan!

Random Pic (#1)

Ted: *pretends to be guy in the middle of the picture* "Hey, I caught Jaws! When everyone finds out that I caught him, I'll be a millionaire!"

Movie Poster (#0)

Ted: *Pretends to be guy in the middle of the poster with sword* "THIS IS JAPANESE SPARTA!!!!!!"