Welcome to Announcement: the Comic Mockery Zone! Here, we make fun of poor drawings and badly written comics. So, we promise that we will bring humor to the world, with this free entertainment site!
If you had seen MST3K or RiffTrax, it's kind of like it, though we make fun of poor drawings and badly written comics. We might consider bringing some commentary on some badly done episodes of TV shows, and find lame shorts, to mock, as an example of humor.
Note that this site does not contain jokes with any references to sexuality or swearing; the jokes are kept clean! And besides which, we care about younger viewers, as well!
P.S., keep tuning in, for updates!
The Staff:
Teddy Williams, the Founder
Gregory McArthur
Seth Williams
Kirk Williams
P.S., we also do video game reviews! It's just on another site. This is the link, here.