Friday, October 29, 2010

Random Pic (#10)

Image: Duckroll

Ted: A duck had lost it's legs, and became a cyborg, after he got his new wheel legs. This Christmas Day, come see the most epic action packed film of the year; "DuckRoll: the Movie"! Rated PG, for disturbing (though not inappropriate) content, and possibly some brief humor that younger viewers may not understand.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Random Pic (#9)

Image name: Dramatic Prairie Dog

Ted: *pretends to be the prairie dog* What are you looking at?!?

Random Pic (#8)

Image: Disaster Girl
(Please note that what was written down by Ted was just for humor, and it wasn't really true)

Ted: So I guess she was the mastermind behind the house's destruction. Wait, what? Oh no; RUN!

Random Boxart (#24)

Ted: Well, would you look at that; that swordsman looks like Arthas with his hair dyed red!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Random Boxart (#23)

Ted: *pretends to be the lady* "Oh, Perot! Will I get to London, on time?!?" *then pretends to be Perot* "Qui, madame; just make sure that you fix your seat belt!"

Random Boxart (#22)

Ted: It looks like James Bond is on vacation, and he scored quite a large amount of popularity!

Random Boxart (#21)

Ted: And that's how Britney Spears and her ex-boyfriend lost their musical talent from singing; aliens had stolen it, using science and technology!

Random Boxart (#20)

Ted: It looks like Curt Cobain is playing a 1-on-1 basketball game against Magic Johnson, I guess.

Random Boxart (#19)

Ted: *pertends to be Vadinho from the movie "The Pumaman"* "Guy on the boxart; you are the Puma Man!"

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Random Boxart (#18)

Ted: Is that supposed to be one of those guys from the movie "Star Force: Fugitive Alien II"? If so, he must have tried to kill the entire alien spaceship with a forklift.

Random Boxart (#17)

Ted: Is that Marvin the Martian's house?

Random Boxart (#16)

Ted: Is this what F-Zero was inspired by? Or perhaps, it's the early years of the F-Zero Grand Prix?

Random Boxart (#15)

Ted: Isn't that Bill Nye?

Random Boxart (#14)

Platform: Atari 2600
Ted: Hey, It's Arthur; King of the Britians!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Random Boxart (#13)

Ted: Finally, "Phantasy Star IV: the Movie" is coming soon! Starring Justin Bieber as Chaz, Rebecca Black as Rika, Miguel Angel Fuentes as Rune, and Walter George Alton as Wren.

Random Boxart (#12)

Ted: "Phantasy Star II: the Movie", is coming to theaters, this Christmas! Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as Rolf, Elisabeth Shoe as Nei, and Don Knotts as Rudo.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Random Boxart (#11)

Ted: Hey, it's James Bond! He shoots, he scores, with the hot chick of a girlfriend, he has!

Random Boxart (#10)

Ted: Looks like He-Man took Ax Battler's place, on the journey to defeat Death Adder, huh? Blame the flu season. Same way She-Ra took Tyris Flare's place.

Random Boxart (#9)

Ted: This summer, come see the sequel to the hit movie based on a video game....Here it comes; "Streets of Rage II: the Movie"! Starring Barry Manilow as Axel, Britney Spears as Blaze, Lil' Bow Wow as Skate, Arnold Schwarzenegger as Alex, and Michael Jackson as Shiva!

Random Boxart (#8)

Ted: This fall, come see "Streets of Rage: the Movie!" Now playing, in theaters!

Random Boxart (#7)

Ted: *pretends to be the guy with T-shirt, on the boxart* Help guys; this horrible game cartridge just kidnapped my girlfriend! Oh, I'm too wimpy to do it alone!

Random Boxart (#6)

Ted: Hey all of you mac daddy gangstas; the new Cabbage Patch Kid Homie dolls are in stores, now!

Random Boxart (#5)

Ted: Sounds more like "Awesome Possum Gets Killed by Dr. Machino", if you ask me, due to how horrible this game is! (Trust me; I've played it, before.)